Along with BJ Strawser (Naval Postgraduate School) and Helen Frowe (Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace), I am co-organizing “The Future of Just War: Theoretical and Practical Challenges,” to be held October 7-9 in Monterey, California. As the title suggests, there will be two facets to the conference, one pertaining to revisionist critiques of traditional just war theory, and the other pertaining to novel technologies and how they bear on just war thinking.
We’re thrilled to already confirm a fantastic list of keynotes: Jeff McMahan (Oxford, Philosophy); Adil Haque (Rutgers, Law); Scott Sagan (Stanford; Political Science); and the aforementioned Helen Frowe.
Please consider submitting a paper and/or joining us in Monterey. If you have any questions about the event, please see the conference website or email me.